'What Do You Want?' - 'Information!'
Back in the old days when dinosaurs and Conservative Governments walked the earth, it used to be easy to find information about public transport. You looked in the phone book, found the number of the bus company serving the area you were intending to travel in, and spoke to someone who lived in that area and knew the routes in the way that a local person would be expected to. If you were really lucky, and lived in a fairly large town, there would be a bus station with an information office. Timetables and booklets were freely available, listing all the services in a particular area. Then the services were 'degulated' (which was privatization by any other name) back in October 1986 – and it all went to shit. I first experienced difficulties with the new system while trying to get to Llandough Hospital in May. I tried the Traveline Cymru website, expecting a straightforward 'from' and 'to' expert system which would take me instantly to the relevant timetable. Inst...