Mind the Gap
I was in Cardiff the weekend before last, and while I was walking through St David's Centre I saw a large group of students studying a large mural. I wondered what was causing so much excitement, so I decided to check it out for myself.
This is what I found. (I know the photo isn't great, because I took it with my phone, but there's a reason for that.)

It's a clever idea, isn't it? Grafting Cardiff and the suburbs onto the Tube map – that iconic piece of design which evolves as the network grows and changes – proves that someone at the South Wales Echo (where it originally appeared) has a sense of humour.
Unfortunately, it had totally confused the youngsters. A couple of Chinese students were having a very animated discussion about it; a few West African girls were equally enthralled by the idea of the Barry John Line, the John Charles Line, and the Cardiff Arms Dart. I looked at it with them for a few minutes, took a couple of photos, and then turned to them and shook my head.
'You do know it isn't real, don't you?' I said, and some of them looked quite surprised. I added, 'Some of you might live long enough to see it for real. I won't, though, unless I live to be a hundred.'
I sat down a few yards away, logged into the free WiFi, and uploaded this photo to Instagram, using both my own channel and the Plaid Cymru Cwm Cynon account.
I added the caption Mind the gap between fantasy and reality.
The Instagram feeds are linked to the respective Twitter and Facebook accounts, so I knew it wouldn't be long before my photo was uploaded to everything.
A couple of days later, I had a message on the Plaid Cymru Twitter page. It was from Neil McEvoy, one of the Plaid Cymru AMs for South Wales Central, who lives in Cardiff. He wanted to know why he hadn't come up with that slogan himself. I suggested that maybe he hadn't spent enough time in London.
We both agreed, however, that it was the perfect way to take the piss out of the South Wales Metro proposals, which take one step forward and two back every couple of months.
I should have been in marketing, shouldn't I?
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